My First Liebster Award

The Stories In Between was kind enough to nominate me for my first Liebster Award and for that, I thank them. I’m sure a few may be asking what this award is, I must admit that I was one of those people. This is an award that bloggers nominate other bloggers for when they want to show respect to their work as well as the dedication that the blogger has put forth in creating their work. It’s a way that we, as bloggers, can show our appreciation and recognition for all the bloggers out there that are living life with all its complexities as well as taking time out of their day to write down thoughts, feelings, ideas, and concerns in an effort to help those out there that may be looking for a ray of sunshine in a dark and dreary world.

10 questions that were asked of me (these were the wrong questions but I have permission from Ailanthus Altissima ( to reblog these questions. please see for the correct questions and answers):

  1. What is your favorite color and what does it mean to you?

My favorite color is burple. While that doesn’t make a lot of sense, I will explain a bit. It is blue and purple mixed together to make the most beautiful shade on the planet (at least to me).

What prompted you to start blogging and/or writing?

I have written for as long as I can remember. Started many books but only finished one, a children’s book, that I wrote for my oldest when she was around 2. With all our moving through the years I have since lost it. This saddens me to no end. That said, the main reason I started this blog was because: A) people were starting to tell me that I wrote too much on Facebook B) I was unable to find anyone my age (currently almost 40) that were transitioning and wanted to throw myself out there for others that may be, or have gone through, some of the things I am as a transparent.

What was the most significant journey you’ve been through?

While parenting and transitioning are never ending, I would have to say that those two are the most significant. Being a single parent is extremely difficult but worth every moment. Transitioning is also very difficult but rewarding as well.

Who or what is your greatest adversary?

Simply put, myself. I am my hardest critic. I expect too much from myself yet get angry with myself for not achieving my goals.

If you could conceptualize yourself as anything other than a human being, what would you be?

At first I was going to say dolphin but they are expected to be all fun and nice and stuff. Then I thought, I’d rather be a house cat. When they are temperamental they can get away with acting like jerks, they decide who is allowed to touch them and when, they get a warm/cool place to sleep (constantly) and food in their tummies. They don’t have to answer to anyone and it is acceptable. Plus, they can be warm and caring creatures.

How would you describe your safe space? If you don’t have one, what do you imagine it might be like?

I have schizophrenia, and in my mind, with the paranoid aspects of my disease), there is no safe place. However, with that being said, I think the safest I feel would be my home.

What is your favorite website?

Honestly, it depends on my mood. My top websites are:

(Note: these are not in any particular order)

What type of media resonates most with you?

No one type of media as there are many. I think it depends on what I am wanting to know or learn about.

Do you have any background/education/experience you feel benefits your blog?

I think that being a single transgender parents helps me to write about those topics. Having had may writing classes throughout my college career assists me to write about these topics in a way that makes sense to my readers (I will ask that if you ever have any questions to please ask them…the only “dumb” quesiton is the one not asked, it’s how we learn).

On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) how would you rate your ability to empathize?

I would have to say an 8. Some things I sympathize with as I cannot fully empathize with all situations.

Thank you again for the nomination. Have a safe and wonderful rest of your day!


7 thoughts on “My First Liebster Award

      1. After looking back, you are right. I answered both but accidentally uploaded the wrong ones (just synced my PC to my phone and am still a bit confused with it). I will fix that promptly. I do apologize. Do you mind if I keep these answers up?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I must be more tired than I thought. I can’t seem to find where I was nominated to look at it. The questions I was looking at were the ones I was to ask those I nominated.


    1. I assume the questions asked were asked of the 5-10 people that they nominated. I do not think that each person got individual questions. I will have to jump over and see your answers as I am curious.


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